
Showing posts from February, 2022

Eugenics Dies Off

 Despite Eugenics rising in America and other countries, we obviously and rightly no longer practice eugenics. What happened? What made us realize that this wasn't all that great of an idea, to begin with? The answer revolves around several scientific discoveries that were widely publicized and showed that genes were far more complicated than anybody had ever realized. The second is that several eugenics proponents were discovered to be shams. A researcher that claimed to have found that black people had on average lower IQs was discovered to be completely false. 


 Some people think paramedics won't need some skills such as math and other things but they, in fact, need very good grades in science, math, biology, and other things. They also will need the special training that they receive such as emergency things such as mouth-to-mouth recitation and CPR. There also is classes in such things as a doctor because their job is to keep heavily damaged people alive.